I'm new to that mailing list, but when I checked in the archive, I
didn't find the answer to my problems.
I 've installed Redhad 7.0, with kernel 2.2.16, then I upgraded the
kernel to 2.2.18.
Yesterday I tried to upgrade to kernel 2.4.1, but the result is not
the one I expected. ;-(

First, at the end of the the "modules_install" process, I saw that
cd /lib/modules/2.4.1; \
mkdir -p pcmcia; \
find kernel -path '*/pcmcia/*' -name '*.o' | xargs -i -r ln -sf ../{} pcmcia
if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map  2.4.1; fi
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net/wavelan.o
depmod:         __bad_udelay
[root@francois linux]#

How can I solve that ?

Second problem : when I boot using my new kernel 2.4.1, it seems that
my system can see the root and the swap partitions only. Those are
the kind of messages I have now :
mount: mount point /usr/local doesn't exist
mount: special device LABEL=/var doesn't exist
Enabling swap space : ok
Starting system logger:
and that 's all. I can use the system of course.
If I boot on my old kernel, everything is ok.

What's wrong in my setup to produce such errors ?

Thank you. Francois

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