On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> Thank you, Mikkel,
> so at least I do not have to worry anymore about my possible brain-damage
> or so :) ... I already thought whether this was the real problem behind
> the one I thought I'd have with Pine ...  :)
> Regards.
> Wolfgang
Glad to help.  If you realy want to be able to read newsgroups off-line,
you may want to look into running a news server localy.  Something like
Leafnode that will fetch the messages for you.  But it takes a fair
amount of disk space, as well as download time, unless you are only
subscribed to low volumn lists.  As an added bonus, you will also be
able to read newsgroups off-line with netscape, tin, or any other news
reader...  I used to do it when I had a dialup connection - have the
system dial in at 2:12 AM and get the new messages, as well as taking
care of my mail...


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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