You can use ext2ed to recover lost blocks when the filesystem fubar's.  I
would recommend looking inti ext2ed and seeing is that can help you.  The
interface to ext2ed is a bit hairy, but manageable.

Hope that helps


On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 07:28:18PM -0500 or thereabouts, Steve Gulick wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Steve Gulick wrote:
> >
> > > Ok, Well, to make a long story short I messed up big time and I know I
> > > should have had a more recent back up but I didn't and a typo lead me to
> > > rm -rf my /home partition. I immeadiately umounted /dev/hda7 (/home
> > > partition) so as to not overwrite any files. Now my question is
> > aside from
> > > the Undelet--mini howto does anyone know of any tools that will
> > recover the
> > > deleted files and file names? Is this possible? Any and all feedback is
> > > appreciated!
> > >
> > > TIA
> > > Steve, still at work kicking himself in the arse :(
> > >
> > Steve,
> >     I have only used it in tests, but Midnight commander has an
> > option under Commands when you are logged in as root "Undelete files"
> > that will undelete files.  But it doesn't list the names of the files...
> > I am not sure you can recover the file names, because the directory file
> > gets re-wirren when you delete a file, and that is the only place the
> > name is stored.  (The actual directory file, that contains the pointers
> > to the Inodes, not all the files in the directory.)  I have not had much
> > luck recovering directories.
> >
> > I wish I could offer more help...
> > Mikkel
> Thanks for the tip. I need the file names or I may as well start from
> scratch which would be about a months worth of work. God I can't believe I
> didn't back that directory up! I know better. #$%@#
> Steve
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