Hi...and thanks for your response..

At 01:39 PM 24/02/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Ted Gervais wrote:
> > I just changed kernels and now it can't load any of the modules.
> > When I run modprobe it is looking for modules.dep that used to exist.
> > Rather than trying to load the new one that now exists in /lib/modules/
> > directory.
> >
>How exactly did you change kernels?  rpm -ivh <kernel rpm>
>Did you edit /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo after installing the new
>kernel, and before rebooting?

No. It was a bit more complicated than that. I was running 'Fisher' and 
upgraded to Wolverine. The upgrade worked fine but the system was still 
looking for the old modules that used to exist before the upgrade.

> >
> > How can I tell it to forget about the old one and look at the new one???
> >
> > Also, I had thought of running make modules mdoules_install, but
> > there is no kernel installed in /usr/src/ ?? Why does RedHat do
> > that?  Where in the world is the kernel installed?  For example if
> > you wanted to run 'make menuconfig' to change some of the
> > kernel-settings, where would you go to do that??
> >
>You only get the Make file, and everything that goes with it if you
>install the kernel-<version>-source RPM.  This is a seperate package
>from the pre-compiled kernel RPM.  It is also MUCH larger.  Splitting
>the source and the compiled kernels into seperate RPMs is a good thing.

Well - what about when you install RedHat from scratch. For example 
'Fisher' or Wolverine?
There is no kernel material to look at or change. Maybe the same with 
RedHat 7.0 Not sure.

>A lot of users do not need the kernel source, and would not know what to
>do with it if they had it.
>Now, if only there was a good way to have rpm update /etc/lilo.conf when
>installing a new kernel...  This might be a good project for someone
>with a lot of time on thier hands, and a good understanding of regular
>expressions, or maybe pearl?
>  --
>     Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
>  for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.
Be alert, the world needs more lerts

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