> > The ssh tunnel is what I use between my office and aremote site as well
> > as betwenn the office and my house.
> >
> > What I have not tested is the smb stuff being routed as each of these
> > locations are on a dfferent subnet/network.
> >
> > Does the windows browsing require the machines to be on the same subnet?
> > If not it would be a really effective and easy solution.  It WILL
> > require linux boxes on both ends to perform the link, at least witht the
> > setup scripts I use.  They came from Gordon M. BTW but since he has
> > moved I have not checked to see if his ftp site is still there.
> >
> > Since I have linux firewalls on each of the internt connection points
> > this wa not an issue for me.  BTW the one at the house is an IBM P90 on
> > a 500MB hd that I got off ebay for $65 about six or eight mos ago.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Bret
> Bret,
> This is more like what I am looking for. Excuse my ignorance all as I know
> very little about M$ stuff so feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I
> thought if you have 2 servers (1 on each side of the connection) and set
> each as a PDC and have them announce themselves to eachother. Then the
> workstations on each network can see eachother in network neighborhood.

If you get the ssh tunnel set up, something like nbfw should work for
browsing across subnets. I haven't had an occasion to try this out, but
http://nbfw.sourceforge.net/ has the documentation that should tell you
if this is what you are looking for...


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