> Check your /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf to make sure you have your
> modem listed as a voice modem.  Also, check the logs to make sure that
> vgetty isn't having a problem identifing your voice modem.  This may be
> the problem, as I don't think the identifing strings have been updated
> for the 56k modems.  I know the last time I set one up, I had to do some
> custom work before it would see my Voice-surfer as a voice modem.
> I'll be working with the newer vgetty soon, as I am moving the setup
> from a server running 5.2 to one running 6.2.
> Look for a log file /var/log/vgetty.ttyS? - it should tell you what is
> going on.  You may have to increase the debug level...
> Mikkel
>  --

thanks for your response.

i think my modem isnt bieng properly detected.

i have edited inittab to start vgetty    S1:345:respawn:/sbin/vgetty ttyS1
i edited voice.conf         voice_devices ttyS1

my modem will answer if i use mgetty instead of vgetty
i have an Aopen (Acer) 33.6 ISA modem with Rockwell chipset.
It is a voice modem, it is not a winmodem

the log file is not going into the file you listed above.
it is going into /var/log/messages.
here is an excerpt from /var/log/messages

Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: experimental test
release 0.9.16 / 10Aug00: Success
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mgetty: experimental test
release 1.1.22-Aug17: Function not implemented
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading generic
configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading program vgetty
configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading port ttyS1
configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: check for lockfiles:
Function not implemented
Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: locking the line: No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:30 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: lowering DTR to reset Modem:
No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:30 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: send: : No such file or
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting for ``OK'': No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: send: : No such file or
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting for ``OK'': No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI': No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: Generic Rockwell modem
(33600): No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI3': No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI4': No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: additional info:
'a007880284C6002F': No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: modem quirks: 0004: No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2': No
such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0':
No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2': No
such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: detecting voice modem type:
No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: V250 modem detected: No such
file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: initializing V250 voice
modem: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: FCLASS=8: No such file or
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set silence threshold
VSD: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set speaker volume: No
such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set record volume: No
such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't turn on hardware flow
control: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting...: No such file or
Mar  4 20:57:52 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: wfr: waiting for ``RING'':
No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:57:52 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: wfr: waiting for ``RING'':
No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:57:58 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading ring_type ring
configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Operation not
Mar  4 20:57:58 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
ERROR: No such file or directory
Mar  4 20:57:59 dsl-64-34-153-193 last message repeated 2 times
Mar  4 20:57:59 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Could not answer the
phone. Strange...: No such file or directory

here vgetty exits and is respawned with a different process number

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