On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Randy Perkins wrote:

> > Check your /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf to make sure you have your
> > modem listed as a voice modem.  Also, check the logs to make sure that
> > vgetty isn't having a problem identifing your voice modem.  This may be
> > the problem, as I don't think the identifing strings have been updated
> > for the 56k modems.  I know the last time I set one up, I had to do some
> > custom work before it would see my Voice-surfer as a voice modem.
> > I'll be working with the newer vgetty soon, as I am moving the setup
> > from a server running 5.2 to one running 6.2.
> >
> > Look for a log file /var/log/vgetty.ttyS? - it should tell you what is
> > going on.  You may have to increase the debug level...
> >
> > Mikkel
> >  --
> thanks for your response.
> i think my modem isnt bieng properly detected.
> i have edited inittab to start vgetty    S1:345:respawn:/sbin/vgetty ttyS1
> i edited voice.conf         voice_devices ttyS1
> my modem will answer if i use mgetty instead of vgetty
> i have an Aopen (Acer) 33.6 ISA modem with Rockwell chipset.
> It is a voice modem, it is not a winmodem
> the log file is not going into the file you listed above.
> it is going into /var/log/messages.
> here is an excerpt from /var/log/messages
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: experimental test
> release 0.9.16 / 10Aug00: Success
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mgetty: experimental test
> release 1.1.22-Aug17: Function not implemented
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading generic
> configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
> implemented
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading program vgetty
> configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
> implemented
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading port ttyS1
> configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Function not
> implemented
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: check for lockfiles:
> Function not implemented
> Mar  4 20:55:29 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: locking the line: No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:30 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: lowering DTR to reset Modem:
> No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:30 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: send: : No such file or
> directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting for ``OK'': No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: send: : No such file or
> directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting for ``OK'': No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI': No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: Generic Rockwell modem
> (33600): No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI3': No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'ATI4': No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: additional info:
> 'a007880284C6002F': No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: modem quirks: 0004: No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2': No
> such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0':
> No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2': No
> such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:31 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: detecting voice modem type:
> No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: V250 modem detected: No such
> file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: initializing V250 voice
> modem: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:33 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: FCLASS=8: No such file or
> directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set silence threshold
> VSD: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set speaker volume: No
> such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:34 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't set record volume: No
> such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: can't turn on hardware flow
> control: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:55:35 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: waiting...: No such file or
> directory
> Mar  4 20:57:52 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: wfr: waiting for ``RING'':
> No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:57:52 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: wfr: waiting for ``RING'':
> No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:57:58 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: reading ring_type ring
> configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf: Operation not
> permitted
> Mar  4 20:57:58 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Modem returned
> ERROR: No such file or directory
> Mar  4 20:57:59 dsl-64-34-153-193 last message repeated 2 times
> Mar  4 20:57:59 dsl-64-34-153-193 vgetty[1021]: vgetty: Could not answer the
> phone. Strange...: No such file or directory
> here vgetty exits and is respawned with a different process number
Something very strange going on here.  From the error messages, I am not
suprised it doesn't work.  I wish I know why you were getting all the
"Function not implemented", "No such file or directory" and "Operation
not permitted" errors.  How much have you modified the config files?
You are not getting the "No Voice Modem found" error, so it know about
your modem, but it is finding an error in the config files, and it looks
like it may not be finding the voice message file four your modem.

Check your /var/spool/voice directory, and the messages directory off
the voice directory.  At the very least, you need a "standard.rmd" file
in the correct format for your modem.  This is what vgetty will play
when it answers the phone.  If you need some, I can send you some of my
messages - I use a Rockwell chipset...


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