On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All,
> My moms computer is in the shop so I want to pick
> up her email. I tried changing username in /etc/ppp/options
> and the login and name in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and
> in fetchmailrc. However it doesn't work it is failing
> to logon to the isp correctly. We both have the same
> isp so it has to be a name password problem.
>              Thanks
>              Linda Hanigan
Look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 - you may want to copy
it to ifcfg-ppp1 and copy chat-ppp0 to chat-ppp1 and edit the ppp1
versions.  Then use ifup ppp1 to bring up the connection.

But you should be able to create a .fetchmailrc file that will get her
e-mail over your normal ppp connection.  The easyest way would be to
create a user for her mail with the proper .fetchmailrc, or add her
username/password to a master .fetchmailrc file that is used to get mail
for all your users.  You should not have to gring up the ppp link using
your mother's name and password just to get her mail.

Another option is to set up Netscape to grab her mail from the ISP.


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