On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Kirk wrote:

> If your talking about blocking a local-net address you could use route or
> ipchains. Using route would be easier to delete the entry and wont get messy in
> memory.
> ex: route add -host 192.168.1.x reject  : to deny access
> ex: route del -host 192.168.1.x reject  : to re-allow them
> But heres an ipchains example:
> ex: ipchains -I input -s 192.168.1.x -j REJECT : to deny
> ex: ipchains -I input -s 192.168.1.x -j ACCEPT : to allow
Instead of the second rule to accept, how about:
ipchains -D input -s 192.168.1.x -j REJECT
> Kirk
It should keep the rule set clean.  I am not sure, but you might get an
error the second time you tried to incert the same rule if you do not
remove it.

I do not know if it would cause a problem, but both examples will also
block access to the firewall machine....


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