> >On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, M. Neidorff wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have my home network (RedHat 6.2) set up so that everyone is on the
> > Internet full time.  I have eth1 going out to the net via DSL and eth0
> > going to the local net (192.168.1.*). I'd like to be able to turn net
> > access off on an ip-address by ip-address basis.  (Its easy to turn off the
> > entire eth0 interface) How would I best turn off and on individual
> > addresses at will?  If the answer is ipchains, could someone please cobble
> > together an example?

As to the question of interactively massaging your firewall rules "at will",
Firestarter is an app which excels at this. Leave the Firestarter monitor on the
desktop and open and close ports to users when you see fit. Check it out at:


The latest version is at 0.6.1-1. You will need the gnome libraries loaded
which I assume you have if you are using RH.

Jack Bowling

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