Did you try the Linux drivers from Nvidia?  They have drivers for X 4.0.1
and 4.0.2 although the only way I got their GLX to work with 4.0.2 was to
use the Suse RPM which seems to work ok. There is a kernel RPM and the
GLX RPM which has the X driver for the card. If you still have 4.0.1 get the
RedHat RPMS and follow the direction on their site. Their drivers work
great here -  Nvidia Geforce 2 MX DDR, X 4.0.1,  I get 126fps with Quake3.


On your setup (If 4.0.2 is installed ) did you try to run Xconfigurator?

     Kirk Whiting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     *** Gothic Unix Freak, Windoze hater ***

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