On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, K Old wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was wondering if I could reinstall LILO manually without having to go
> through the reinstall process for RH 7.0.  For some reason LILO did not take
> control of my MBR and the only way I can get into RH7 is to boot from a
> floppy.  I almost lost the floppy the other day, but was lucky and found it.
>   So to keep from being dependent upon a floppy I've decided to get to the
> bottom of this problem.  I have edited the lilo.conf file and tried to test
> it by starting lilo, but I get an error message....something to do with
> memory...if I need the specific error message I can provide it.  Should I
> use another boot loader?  If so, are they easy to configure.  I basically
> want the option to be able to boot into either Win98 or RH.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
You do not have to re-install RH 7.0 to get lilo working.  Depending on
the error you are getting, it probably would not help.  You are probably
going to have to post the error message, and posible your lilo.conf file
before we can help you.

do you get the error when you run lilo from the command prompt, or when
booting the system?  You may also wat to run lilo -v to get more
information about what is going on.


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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