Hmmm.... I was about to say you could check the Man Page on Lilo and
Lilo.conf.... but when I checked them on a brand spanking new 7.0
install I just did, they are somehow out of date.  OTOH, if you
WERE to download the new lilo.rpm, the man pages for that are up
to date...

Bill Ward
-----Original Message-----
From: K Old [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: RE: Reinstall LILO manually?


Thanks for the reply.  You read my mind (and my machine..) I have a 20GB 
drive on this machine and the partition it is on is about 4GB, but that 
could be causing it.  Do you know where I can find more documentation about 

I'll post my progress to the list.....

Thanks again for your help.


>From: Ward William E DLDN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Reinstall LILO manually?
>Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 16:25:14 -0500
>The answer to your question is YES, you can reinstall LILO manually;
>the other part of your question (which you didn't ask) is how to get
>LILO working properly as it currently exists (which is the more important,
>potentially, question!).
>Have you tried running adding LBA32 to your /etc/lilo.conf and rerunning
>lilo?  If you have a large partition (>8 GB) it won't boot from LILO 
>it.  I would suggest that you try to find WHY LILO isn't working...
>RH7.0 came with the LBA32 optionable LILO, no upgrade required.
>Put it in after prompt and before timeout, e.g.
>You may also need to remove the word linear.  As in all changes to system
>Then run lilo:
>/sbin/lilo -v
>and you should be fixed.  You should also double check (first!) that you
>have specified the Win98 partition.  This may look like this, although
>you should correct it for your system:
>       label=Win98
>Which needs to be added to the /etc/lilo.conf.  So, in total, you need
>a lilo.conf something like this, minimum:
>       label=Linux
>       initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.16-22.img
>       read-only
>       root=/dev/hda2
>       label=Win98
>Then run /sbin/lilo -v and that should do it, I think (though I'm
>sure that someone will correct me if I've made a mistake;  I'm
>doing this off the top of my head, and haven't had to do this
>in 5 months, so I could use a jog in the elbow if I've messed
>something up!)
>Bill Ward
>-----Original Message-----
>From: K Old [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 3:51 PM
>Subject: Reinstall LILO manually?
>Hello all,
>I was wondering if I could reinstall LILO manually without having to go
>through the reinstall process for RH 7.0.  For some reason LILO did not 
>control of my MBR and the only way I can get into RH7 is to boot from a
>floppy.  I almost lost the floppy the other day, but was lucky and found 
>   So to keep from being dependent upon a floppy I've decided to get to the
>bottom of this problem.  I have edited the lilo.conf file and tried to test
>it by starting lilo, but I get an error message....something to do with
>memory...if I need the specific error message I can provide it.  Should I
>use another boot loader?  If so, are they easy to configure.  I basically
>want the option to be able to boot into either Win98 or RH.
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