Defintitely software some kind of gnome enlightenment esd problem?  I can
hear sound but its distorted cause it plays too slow!  Watching the display
on either X11amp or xmms the time is moving too slowly a second of play
takes a minute type thing.  If I cat an au to the dev/sound or whataever it
plays fine.  System sounds in gnome have exactly the same problem they go on
for ever -phasing.  I did play an mp3 file perfectly once though in xmms
(which I'd recommend).  I think my only solution is to upgrade my sound card
and try the ALSA drivers.  I want to get a more sophisticated soundcard
anyway since I want to do some music recording and at the moment I cannot
play CDs since the connector on my old soncrad won't connect to my newer
ATAPI CD rom.  Any recommendations for soundcards well supported by linux
would be welcome with some home recording and mixing capabilites.  Surprised
you haven't got X11amp installed though-did you do a minimum installation?
Ta.  NH. 

> From: Jerry Human <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 14:41:06 -0500
> Subject: Re: Sound problems - path to solution
> Neil Hollow wrote:
>> Cannot answer first question, x11amp should be included in your distro which
>> plays mp3s.  Realaudio will give you net radio that how I listen to it at
>> work and I did that by going thru explorer -though netscape should work just
>> as well just click on the radio link and realplayer will start if it
>> installed as a netscape addin otherwise(and more likely) will download it
>> you'll need to read the installation pages again found thru netscape.  Hope
>> this helps.  your lucky to be able to hear recognisable sound at all in my
>> experience.  NH.
> Thanks, Neil. I did a quick "whereis x11amp" in the console and came up
> empty.:-(    But at least, I now have a direction to work. I had
> forgotten about realplayer, I'll probably have to D/L it. For now
> though, thanks to Ed Alexander, I can listen to CD's while I work on the
> streaming problem.
> Sorry to hear you can't "hear recognisable sound" on your box. Is it a
> hardware or software problem?
> Thanks, again.
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