On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, mjs wrote:

> I'm running RH 6.2 and and I want to add a startup script for apache in the
> init.d dir, so I copied the apachectl script to the init.d dir....then I ran
> chkconfig --add apachectl
> I received back:
> service apachectl does not support chkconfig
> anyway, so I renamed the apachectl scirpt to httpd and tried again and I
> received the same error
> service httpd does not support chkconfig
> why can't chkconfig add these script names???
The script itself is not in the format chkconfig expects when using the
--add option.  Look at some of the other scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d for
the format chkconfig expects.  The script has to respong to being called
with the start/stop options, and start or stop the service.  The
"# chkconfig: 345 25 75" type line gives chkconfig the information for
the default setup.  "345" means start the service when entering run
levels 3, 4, and 5.  The service will be stopped when entering run
levels 0, 1, 2, and 6.  The 25 is the start order and 75 is the stop
order.  they are used for creating the symlinks in the rc?.d


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