> I'm running RH 6.2 and and I want to add a startup script for apache in the
> init.d dir, so I copied the apachectl script to the init.d dir....then I ran
> chkconfig --add apachectl
> I received back:
> service apachectl does not support chkconfig
> anyway, so I renamed the apachectl scirpt to httpd and tried again and I
> received the same error
> service httpd does not support chkconfig
> why can't chkconfig add these script names???

What you need is an apache or httpd sysv script.  apachectl is something
entirely different, which is actually what the sysv script is likely
to use to do it's job.  Redhat should already have included httpd as
a script that you can chance the runlevels of if apache is installed.

You can't just add random scripts to init.d.  It won't work.

Lennart Sorensen

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