On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 10:10:57AM -0600, eric clover wrote:
> hello,
> we went from an old sendmail to postfix recently. with the old sendmail we
> took advantage of the procmailrc and put this in the script :
> 0
> * ? formail -x"Received:"\
>     | egrep -i "64\.24\."
> /dev/null
> with the new postfix this does not work and the amount of spam has become
> unbearable. is there any way to filter this out again so we can go back to
> living with less spam? i do have the line "mailbox_command =
> /usr/bin/procmail" added in the main.cf.

Have you looked at header_checks and body_checks for filtering spam?
Works very well. I took my most reliable procmail recipes and dumped
them into there. Works fabulously:

/^Received:.*64\.24/         Reject

or whatever you are trying to do.

# Sample regexp lookup "table".
# Format is /regexp/flags or /regexp/flags!/regexp/flags
# where regexp is a regular expression as found in regexp(5), and flags are
#   i: toggle ignore case (REG_ICASE - default is to ignore case)
#   x: toggle extended expression (REG_EXTENDED - default is extended)
#   m: toggle multiline mode (REG_NEWLINE - default is non-multiline mode)
# In order for a line to match, the first regexp must match, and the
# second (if present) must not match.  The first matching line wins,
# terminating processing of the ruleset.

/^To:.*friend@/                        Reject
/^To:.*@.*sdf\.bellsouth\.net/       Reject
/^To: @bellsouth\.net/       Reject


Hal B

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