On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've recently purchased an SBlive!. I wanted a card for voice input, heard that 
>SBLive!s were the best and found one on sale so a snatched it up.
> Since I haven't had a sound card before, and am not really into music too much, I've 
>totally ignored all of the conversations about music on Linux. Thus I don't know 
>what-apps-are-the-coolest-today like most everyone else does :-) But now that I have 
>this snazzy sound card, I'd like to make some mp3s off of a CD track, but I have no 
>idea where to start. Can someone please recommend some apps and give me some basic 
> If anyone has something to say about music players and sound editors, I'd like to 
>hear that too, but the mp3 making info is what I'm really after.
Well, I discovered one called RipperX off Freshmeat. It's really a "frontend"
to some non-gui tools, but it works like a charm! :-) I stuck a CD in my drive,
started up ripperX and basically walked away... the CD was scanned and the
title of the CD and the various songs was gotten off the 'Net and the songs
named... I had to do very little configuration (other than saying where to put
temporary files while they're being converted to MP3 format and where to store
the finished MP3 files.)
Warning: It DOES take longer to encode than to rip, so if it looks like it's
stuck, it's probably just encoding songs it's already ripped.

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