On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Ted Gervais blurted out:

TG>On Tuesday 20 March 2001 19:18, you wrote:
TG>> Ted Gervals wrote:
TG>> > Well, I went and looked and there was no such file so I made one and put
TG>> > all the route information I needed to add, in that file. I noticed as
TG>> > well that in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts that there is a file called
TG>> > ifup-routes and it appears to be the one that calls the 'static-routes'
TG>> > file. So, I figured now that I had a 'static-routes' file a reboot should
TG>> > call that file and install my routes.
TG>> I stick mine in /etc/rc.d/rc.local and it works fine for me.
TG>Thanks Steve. Thats where I have mine for now. But thought there was a more
TG>proper place.  If not, that is ok too..

There is a Red Hat document which clarifies where this should be:


Chuck Mead, csm -AT- moongroup.com, Owner, MoonGroup.com
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