>I am working at home with RH-6.2 on single machine.
>At work we have 10 computers and 3 printers connected thru hub all with
>win98 one of them is like a server & all can be connected and share files
>,also can use the internet using one internet subscription
>Please excuse me if some of the questions below are silly,I am 7 month old
>with RH 6.2 but really I love it so much !!!!
>If I install RH6.2 on my machine at work will it detect all the others
>connected thru the hub?
linux only "speaks" tcp/ip, win$ machine may also "speak" netbeui
depending on the machines' config, the linux box could not see win$ boxes
if they are netbeui only
if win$ boxes have both netbeui and tcp/ip or better tcp/ip only, the linux
box will be able to communicate
>Is there any damages that may happen to the win98 LAN ??
no ;-) linux is not a stealth weapon ;-)
>Is it possible that win98 admistrator here realise that happened in my
quite sure
>Could my machine then be the server and control the other accounts?
linux can be internet proxy server (squid), file/print server (samba),
router (ipchains), and so on
i'm not sure however that "internet connexion sharing" would not need to be
>If I can just convince my manager to remove win98 from the server and let me
>install RHL 6.2 to show him the real administration and network strength of
>" Linux "
begin with installing both !
>Thank you all
>Oussama Dbaibo
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