On March 22, 2001 08:09 pm, you wrote:
> I have a rh6.2 installation that has been running fine for awhile and I
> decided to start testing wolverine.  The nfs upgrade hung once do to
> needing the w3-libwww  rpm that was on the second cd.  Unchecking the
> wwwlib rpm from the upgraded packages the seemed to go ok.  I walked
> away and had a message on the text console that the machine could be
> safely rebooted.
> Now lilo hangs at the LI spot that I believe means there is a proble
> with the geometry of the drive, IIRC.  Is there a know issue with
> wolverine and 20 gig western digital drives?  I am gonig the wade into
> the docs starting now but I wanted to ask in case I missed something
> simple.  I tried dinking with the PNP  os settings and auto/LBA/LARGE
> settings for the harddrive ant other tips appreciated.

Did you make a boot disk during intstall? If so try a boot from the boot 
disk. I've had this problem ( and others ) with lilo before but only on a 
compaq. Booting form the boot disk and running lilo usually resolves the 


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