Neil Jolly wrote:

> Did you make a boot disk during intstall? If so try a boot from the boot
> disk. I've had this problem ( and others ) with lilo before but only on a
> compaq. Booting form the boot disk and running lilo usually resolves the
> problem.

Nope there was no floppy in the box at the time. There is now :-)  I began
the install from the harddrive.  It looks like the install did not finish
successfully any way.  In doing an install using the floppy it contiues to
choke on a rpms not found and the installer is not smart enough to know how
to ask for the second cd.  I found a reference to the fact that copying both
cds to an nfs mounted direeectory is supposed to fix it but not sure what
the heck that means since ther are dirs named the same on each cd.  I am
copying the fisrt one now and then will copy all the rpms into
theRedHat/RPMS dir and see what happens then.

Thanks for trying I guess I will make that floppy this time :)


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