What is AOL?

ROFL.   j/k

I used to play with them years ago but after growing up a bit discovered 
better solutions such as irc and ICQ (Yes I know AOL bought ICQ.. it's 
the thought that counts).

I simply refuse the play the game.  Another reason I use Linux for any 
serious work.  Only run Wintendo 98/2000 when I have the itch to play a 
FPS game... course that is changing thanks to www.lokigames.com!!!


>>  >
>>  > http://www.moongroup.com/stories.php?story=01/03/23/5398918
> rather than simply sit here and seethe that AOL has blocked non-AOL
> instant messaging, let me make a humble suggestion.  anyone in the
> linux community who is outraged by this should simply filter all
> AOL email into /dev/null.
> think about it.  the linux community, based on sheer size, now has
> considerable clout.  imagine the effect if a significant part of that
> community decided, en masse, to reject any AOL-related email.
> people can use procmail to junk it; web sites can drop AOL-origin
> requests; routers can toss AOL packets.  obviously, there may be
> legal or contractual issues, but people who put up web sites
> certainly have no obligation to service all requests.
> it's time to get over just being pissed about this, and do something
> about it.  if AOL wants to block traffic, perhaps it's time to
> play that same game, and see how long it takes AOL subscribers to
> start feeling the rejection.  let *them* complain to their own ISP.
> comments?
> rday
> _______

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