I thought I’d share with the list how I solved the problem.  It turns
out I had a duplicate keyed entry (i.e. 2 entries with the same login
name).   I found this out by running pwck, a utility mentioned in the
pwconf man pages.  So this is another cautionary tale about RTFM. 
Thanks for the help.

BTW, if anyone from RH is listening, I’m not getting messages from this
list very fast.  I got one reply to my post, and that was only because
the person replying also explicitly included my email address in the
"Cc:".  Yahoo itself seems to be accepting messages from my other
addresses pretty fast.
   === Al

--- Werner Puschitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In such cases I usually use gdb to get a better understanding where the
> problem lies - in which function it hangs or if the program is running in
> an endless loop.
> It might not help a lot in your case but it's worth a try.
> gdb /usr/sbin/pwconv
> ctr-C
> Then type in 'where' to see the function tree
> Try that several times.
> Werner

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