On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 at 2:34pm (+0300), Silviu Cojocaru wrote:

> I'm using fetchmail 5.5.0-3 and I seem to have a problem when retrieving
> mail from a POP3 server: the retrieved massges are not deleted from the
> server, this made the mailbox on my ISPs server fill up quite fast. The
> symptoms that made me think about that were that some friends of mine
> complained that sometimes they received an error from the server where it
> was stated that the mailbox was full, and the last one was that I could
> get only one message at a time. I called my ISP and he too said that my
> mailbox was full.
> my .fetchmailrc looks like this:
> poll <ispsserver> timeout 60 proto pop3 user "username" pass "my_paswwd"
> Is there something wrong with it ?
> I have switched to imap, I can live with the smaller speed of mail
> retrieval if that saves my mailbox from getting full.
> Any ideas on what the heck is going on with fetchmail ?

It should be the default but try adding "nokeep" to your .fetchmailrc file?


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