On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, at 14:34 (GMT +0300), Silviu Cojocaru wrote:

> I'm using fetchmail 5.5.0-3 and I seem to have a problem when retrieving
> mail from a POP3 server: the retrieved massges are not deleted from the
> server, this made the mailbox on my ISPs server fill up quite fast. The
> symptoms that made me think about that were that some friends of mine
> complained that sometimes they received an error from the server where it
> was stated that the mailbox was full, and the last one was that I could
> get only one message at a time. I called my ISP and he too said that my
> mailbox was full.
> my .fetchmailrc looks like this:
> poll <ispsserver> timeout 60 proto pop3 user "username" pass "my_paswwd"
> Is there something wrong with it ?
> I have switched to imap, I can live with the smaller speed of mail
> retrieval if that saves my mailbox from getting full.
> Any ideas on what the heck is going on with fetchmail ?

The no keep option aint working, so I'll be sticking with IMAP a bit
longer. POP3 is so broken anyways, and since my ISP installed some new
equipment, IMAP doesn't seem much slower then POP3.

Oh well, you win some you lose some...


    If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
                     ..., Oh wait, he already does.

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