On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, at 21:11 (GMT -0700), Tim wrote:

> > > The Ximian version of apt is called "Red carpet" it's supposed to handle
> > > deb's for debian machines and rpm's for redhat machines.  Whether this
> > > will handle the entire system or just gnome related stuff I don't know.
> >
> > Ugh, don't use Red Carpet, it's a big source of headakes. up2date is for
> > you.
> Must disagree, the most recent revision of red carpet works well neigh
> unto flawlessly. It has seperate 'channels' one for gnome stuff, and one
> for redhat system, you can keep your system up to date that way...
> A check to make sure you got what you installed and where it was put is
> likely in order. It also has a channel for evolution a rockin' email
> client for gnome.
> Using the tools does kind of take the work out of sysadmining, which I'm
> not sure is a good thing.. ;)

Then I apologize. If you say it works I'll just take your word for it
:)... Until I get more feedback on it, I'll use my trusty up2date :)


    If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
                     ..., Oh wait, he already does.

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