On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

> At 03:30 PM 4/4/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >At that point you're talking routing or load balancing. You'd like to be
> >able to use one link if the other is down, right? Plus it would be nice to
> >send traffic over the idle link if the other becomes congested? Prepare to
> >enter a gray world.
> My apologies, I should have been clearer. This is not a server in the classic sense. 
>the only thing it server to the outside world is CVS, and that only one or two 
>updates a week. Load balancing is not the point.
> The 6 employees here on our local LAN using as a test box of sorts however, so for 
>that and other reason's (including stability) we'd like it to utilize the T1 for 
>bandwidth, without cutting off the CVS<->ISDN connection like to does when we switch 
>the default gateway over to the T1.
> I hope that is a better explanation, sorry.

Ok, let me see if I have this straight.
You have a ISDN line.
You have a T1 line.
These both come into the same box, ie each is a seperate interface on the
box. Correct?

You wish all traffic to come over the T1 except some CVS stuff, which
should come over the ISDN.

Hmmm. I would think DNS would take care of this, the CVS server should
resolve to the IP of the ISDN interface. You should be seeing only
incoming connections for CVS, so your default gateway shouldn't matter. I
must be wrong about the way TCP works in that case, I thought it followed
the route established on connection. Ah! I suppose your box is doing the
right thing and telling the remote box about a better route for the
connection (ICMP redirect).

I would say looking at trafficshaper would be what you're after, you need
to be able to direct traffic based on the port involved.


Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics        |

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