Searching my feeble memory...

Doesnt ps (all by itself, with no options) just give the processes 
associated with your current login session (or some reasonable facsimile of 

to get all processes I think the correct incantation is ps -A (it could be 
small a too, I always mess it up first time) the man page for ps is pretty 
handy for this , you will notice that ps has a long list of options .

Rob Wolfe

At 02:46 PM 04/05/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>when i execute :
>ps aux | grep named
>I do not get any reply except the line for "grep named".
>when I run "ktop" I can see the named process and its PID.
>Named is surely running because it is handling "nslookup" queries.
>Why can't I see the "named" when I execute PS?
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