I think the problem is not in the "ps" behaviour. i had to solve it too and
the thing is that when ps is piped to another command, it may happen that
its output lines are truncated to 80 columns.
check that by comparing a bare "ps aux" output with a "ps aux | more" output.
the trick is to add "w" option which will "enlarge" piped ps' output lines
: try "ps auxw | more"
there are other options too, playing with environment variables
A 08:20 05/04/01 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Nathalie Boulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>when i execute :
>>ps aux | grep named
>>I do not get any reply except the line for "grep named".
>>when I run "ktop" I can see the named process and its PID.
>>Named is surely running because it is handling "nslookup" queries.
>>Why can't I see the "named" when I execute PS?
>Which release of RedHat are you running? The 'ps' command behaves a little
>differently depending on which version you're running. Older (5.x)
>releases generally use 'ps -aux', but newer (6.x and 7.x) versions use
>either '-ef' or '-aux'. On my 6.2 box:
>[esisler@gromit esisler]$ ps -ef | grep named
>named 436 1 0 Feb11 ? 00:22:40 named -u named
>esisler 17810 17298 0 08:14 pts/0 00:00:00 grep named
>[esisler@gromit esisler]$ ps -aux | grep named
>named 436 0.0 0.8 5932 3172 ? S Feb11 22:40 named -u named
>esisler 17840 0.0 0.1 1212 460 pts/0 S 08:15 0:00 grep named
>You can also try running nslookup on the box and see if it will resolve
>anything, assuming the box is configured to look at itself for resolution
>first. If not, you'll need to specify the nameserver to use when you start
>Eric Sisler
>Library Computer Technician
>Westminster Public Library
>Westminster, CO, USA
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