Hi all
I had an interesting finding about the anacron program. This is what

When I was sanning through the log file, I found the following suspicous
Apr  9 03:45:29 raw login[836]: FAILED LOGIN SESSION FROM
usw-sf-fw2.sourceforge.net FOR alan, Authentication failure
Apr  9 03:45:45 raw login[836]: FAILED LOGIN SESSION FROM
usw-sf-fw2.sourceforge.net FOR jinjin, Authentication failure

There are more entries like this that follow. The first thing that came to
my mind is that someone was attempting to break into these account
accounts from usw-sf-fw2.sourceforge.net. And then at the end of these
entries, I found this one:

Apr  9 04:02:00 raw anacron[847]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.daily'
to 2001-04-09

The interesting thing is, I went to sourceforge.net/projects.anacron 
and found that anacron is actually listed as one of the projects from this
Now somebody please tell me what this is all about? Is this a coincidence?
Or someone is using sourceforge.net to hack my system? I don't remember
installing anacron myself, or does it come with redhat6.2 and installed by
Any prompt suggestion will be appreciated. We might have a case here!!



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