Tally Jones wrote:

> i have a dual boot box with NT and linux fine. MBR is
> controlled by NT. TO boot to linux i boot from floppy.
> however i have damaged my floppy.
> is there a way i can boot into linux ?? (other than
> from reinstall Linux again)

    Get rawrite.exe and boot(net).img from any redhat mirror.  Put it on
a floppy and boot in rescue mode.

    Alternatively, once you've passed that hurdle, you can tell NT about
the Linux partition so it can be included in it's bootup menu as a
selection.  I used to have Win311/Win95/NT/Linux on one system (DON'T
ASK WHY), boot loader was NT.  It knew about all of the partitions with
different OSs on it.


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  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   .   303.442.6410 x130
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