> You should look at licq if you haven't already.  It has most (all?) of the
> functionality of ICQ plus a lot more...
> //kelsey

Well, LICQ isn't bloated like the Win32 client from Mirabilis is... once
AOL got a hold of the ICQ service, all hell broke loose. LICQ is, from
what I can tell, the best out there. It requires either Qt or GTK+
depending on which GUI plugin you want to use.. but it also works at the
console as well (quite nicely too) since the main program is just a
backend and the visual plugins are merely frontends :)

If you're using it in X, I suggest getting the latest Qt release. I have
2.3.0, but I don't know if that's the absolute newest there is. It's the
newest branch tho.

It also supports SSL, but it's not required :)


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