I've trying to install RH 5.2 on an old 486DX2 as a way of troubleshooting
an upgrade of my Samba server from 5.2 to RH7.

The installation seems to go OK, but the machine won't boot Lilo. All I get
is the dreaded L and a string of endlessly repeating 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

But, I can boot from the boot floppy, and otherwise everything seems ok.
Since the disk is larger than 528 MB, I've specified the linear option in
Lilo, and in the past this has always done the trick, even for the Samba
server's 20GB disk. after much browsing through old Email messages, and a
couple of reformats/reinstalls,  I've come to the conclusion that there's
something fishy going on. Officially the parameters, as reported by the WD
disk utilities (and the disk label), the disk has 2484 cylinders, 16 heads,
and 63 sectors.

Linux fdisk, however, reports:

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 621 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

Device    Boot Start End Blocks  Id System
/dev/hda1 *     1    254 512032+ 6  DOS 16-bit >=32M
/dev/hda2      255   621 739872  5  Extended
/dev/hda5      255   595 687424+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda6      596   621 52384+  82 Linux swap
Disk doesn't contain a valid partition table

And Linux cfdisk reports the following information:

Partition Table for /dev/hda

        ---Starting--- ----Ending----  Start    Number of
 #  Flags Head Sect Cyl   ID  Head Sect Cyl   Sector   Sectors
--- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
 1  0x80    1    1    0 0x06   63   63  253        63 1024065
 2  0x00    0    1  254 0x05   63   63  620   1024128 1479744
 3  0x00    0    0    0 0x00    0    0    0         0       0
 4  0x00    0    0    0 0x00    0    0    0         0       0
 5  0x00    1    1  254 0x83   63   63  594        63 1374849
 6  0x00    1    1  595 0x82   63   63  620        63  104769

What really baffles me is that I've had Linux installed on this machine
before without any of these strange problems.

I'm stumped. Can anyone advise me on how to get this computer booting
properly from the HD?


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