One small thought:

If used at home, maybe in the living room, it may make sense to choose a
switch (and router) that does *not* contain any built in ventilator fan.

This might of course shorten it's life, but then after all any equipment
bought today will be outdated before it's normal life is ended. (In x
years we will all run fiber at home. :-)

The major advantage (and I speak from personal experience ;-) is no more
discussions with family members (read: my wife) about if the switch (and
router) shall be turned off during night time.

1 0 (Just my two bits)


"Rodolfo J. Paiz" wrote:
> At 4/16/01 03:47 PM -0400, you wrote:
> > > But use a switch instead of a hub.  You'll get better throughput with a
> > > switch.
> >
> >Bummer, all I have right now is a hub and the nic's for all my boxes.
> >Could this
> >be setup so a switch could be added later when the budget permits?
> Yes. Hubs and switches (at least on the low end) are interchangeable.
> Hubs take whatever they get on one port and rebroadcast it to every other
> port; so an 8-port hub shares a total of 10Mbps (or 100Mbps) between all 8
> computers. No privacy, and maximum theoretical bandwidth per computer if
> they were all active is 1/8 of segment bandwidth.
> Switches, on the other hand, remember MAC addresses and assign them to
> ports, so that they take what they receive on one port and *only* transmit
> it on one other port, where the destination computer is located. Only those
> two are involved, so you get privacy and each port has 100% of its
> bandwidth available for communication without bothering anyone else.
> Switches, therefore, are a *far* better choice and provide for much faster
> connectivity.
> --
> Rodolfo J. Paiz

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