Well, the advantage to the the shorthand method is when you need things like
every 5 minutes (5,10,15,etc. makes for ugly cronjob listings).

To stagger them, you can just do:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ward William E DLDN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: run cron job every 15 minutes

> Actually, while the shorthand method of */15 works, the
> OLDER system is better...
> After all, who wants to see spikes every 15 minutes as all
> of the various cron jobs hit at 0, 15, 30 and 45 past?  That's
> why I always try to stagger them across a network:
> 3,18,33,48
> 2,17,32,47
> 1,16,31,46
> */15
> etc.
> However, even better than that is to allow a bit of fudge in
> when the cron goes off... +/- a couple minutes, like this:
> 3,19,31,44
> 2,15,33,46
> 1,14,32,47
> */15
> etc.  While this doesn't give perfect spacing, it DOES allow
> some bit of "load balancing" to occur, in the event that a
> particular cron job takes a great deal of resources.  Over time,
> you would be able to track any places where further fine tuning
> would help...  These kinds of techniques went a long way to getting
> some of the programs working well back "in the day", when every
> night at midnight, all of the Cron jobs in creation went off
> simultaneously... many a server came down to it's knees, because
> it would start thrashing, etc., because 30-40 cron jobs, that only
> took 10 minutes or so by themselves, would be contending for the same
> groups of resources, particularly scarce RAM and Disk I/O time.
> Bill Ward
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Horne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 8:11 AM
> Subject: Re: run cron job every 15 minutes
> On 30-Apr-01 at 15:51:51 rpjday wrote:
> > On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Paul Anderson wrote:
> >> replace the 15 with 15 30 45 00.  This will make the job run every 15
> >> minutes.
> >
> > the above syntax won't work -- you need to separate multiple values
> > for the same field with commas, not spaces.  and there can't be any
> > intervening spaces around the commas either.
> >
> > in either case, you're better off using the */15 syntax i mentioned
> > earlier.
> >
> Why is that 'better'? I still use the old (?) syntax of '0,15,30,45' which
> seems to work just as well.
> John.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
> PGP key available from public key servers
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