Hi All,

I have a standard RH5.2 server, standard apache 1.3.3
The box is a gateway machine, NIC with 192.168.x.x address for lan and a
ppp dial up with a real world address, 139.x.x.x
Apache is configured to be a proxy server for the lan. Extensive
firewall ruleset is in place using ipfwadm.  IP forwarding/Masquerading
is enabled.

I found several entries in my apache log as follows: - - [03/May/2001:00:14:23 +1000] "GET
ages/banners/homecasino.gif HTTP/1.0" 404 298

Based on my limited knowledge of apache, the first field is the remote
host and the "GET... part is the page requested.  If this is true then
it appears someone from the outside world, the 202 adresses do not
belong to me, is requesting pages through my server.  Is this right?

All help/direction will be gratefully accepted and appreciated.

Ken Cole

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