On Sun, Nov 18, 2001 at 01:16:47AM -0500, Devon wrote:

> As for the fsck on the root partition, are you sure it is set up for 
> ext3? 

Filesystem    Type   1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6     ext3     5068256   2336348   2577444  48% /
/dev/hda1     ext3       23302      4130     17969  19% /boot
/dev/hda10    ext3     5548780   1428796   3894436  27% /home
/dev/hda8     ext3      497829     43210    428917  10% /tmp
/dev/hda9     ext3      497829     40193    431934   9% /usr/local
/dev/hda7     ext3      497829    176699    295428  38% /var

> If your ext3 support is modular, I believe you need an initrd.img 
> so you can mount /root as ext3.

Hm, I didn't think of that.  This is the most recent redhat 2.4.9-12
kernel, which ships with modular ext3 support.  I only installed the
main rpm (-ivh) and made the lilo entries myself.  Force of habit, I
guess.  Plus I'm paranoid.  Maybe I'll grab the 2.4.9-12 kernel-BOOT
rpm and see if that has the initrd file.

Thanks for the tip.

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