I found these two articles *very* helpful in setting up ssh passwordless 




The second mainly deals with keychain, a handy little program that starts up 
at login and it in turn starts up ssh-agent and ssh-add. It'll ask you for 
your password once when it loads your identity file. Once agent is running, 
you don't have to keep typing your password over and over again (for 

Quote from article:

"To solve these problems, I wrote a handy bash-based ssh-agent front-end 
called keychain. What makes keychain special is the fact that it allows you 
to use a single ssh-agent process per system, not just per login session. 
This means that you only need to do one ssh-add per private key, period. As 
we'll see in a bit, keychain even helps to optimize the ssh-add process by 
only trying to add private keys that aren't already in the running 
ssh-agent's cache. "

I followed these instructions and it worked the first time. 

Hope this helps

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