For a few years now I've been using Linux with a headless box and
off-and-on on a dual booter with Windows.  Windows, however, was always
the primary OS on the dual-booter.  With the introduction of RH 7.2, I've
decided to go crazy and try using Linux full-time as my desktop OS.  It's
been a few weeks now of using RH 7.2, so I thought some of you might be
interested in my trials and tribulations.  Since this is the Red Hat list,
I'm going to keep things Red Hat oriented with discussion mostly centered
on the 7.2 release, as well as some programs I found to greatly add to the
desktop experience.

The Good:

Grub:  Grub is really cool.  I was looking forward to tryng this new 
bootloader, and so far it's been interesting to play with.  Some people
seem to think it's "lilo light," but if you read the docs you'll find it
supports a shell with a number of built-in commands.  Not having to run
lilo -s after a kernel change is sweet!  It looks pretty in graphics mode

Ext3:  Unfortunately, I got plenty of lock-ups to try out the new
journaling feature of the standard ext filesystem (see below).  Works great
so far.  Also appreciate how easy it was to change my /usr/local partition
from ext2 to ext3.  A few people were puzzled why RH didn't use Reiser, but
after seeing for myself how nice ext3 is to work with, I completely

Mozilla:  Glad to see this is the default web browser.  The version
included in 7.2 is a bit long in the tooth, and it looks like a
bugger to upgrade with all the dependcies, but at least it's stable if
sluggish.  The traditional Netscape is old, buggy and almost useless
nowadays.  Hopefully Mozilla will continue to get speedier as it matures,
although I think it will always be a memory hog.  I got half a gig; not
worried. :)

Of course, all the usual library and system upgrades that make a decimal
point upgrade importnat.  On the whole, I would say 7.2 is another good RH
.2 release.

Before I get into the other stuff, here's some other resources I found
useful or important for the ultimate desktop experience:

I'm so glad this resource is back online.  Don't run Linux without it!

Check here for lotsa good RPMS to help round-out the desktop.  Almost all
the programs below have RPMS available here or at their own websites.


This is a _very_ good email client if you are looking for a light, fluffy,
easy-to-use workalike of Outlook Express in Windows.  Seems very stable
already; I've only experienced a few very minor bugs.  Red Hatted folks,
this should be part of your distro!


This is a GREAT newsreader.  Pan is included with 7.2, but it's a few
revisions old and since every revision changelog since then has the line
"Lotsa bugfixes" it's a good idea to run the latest and greatest.  I read
alot of USENET, and Pan works well enough to avoid making me miss Gravity
too much.

Multi Gnome Terminal

Offhand, I'm not sure the address of the home page, but make sure you grab
this at freshrpms.  When playing with KDE a bit, I really appreciated the
tabbed, multi-terminal that they use.  This is a version for gnome.  It
should be the default, because once you use it you won't want to go back to
have x-terms scattered throughout your desktop.


Despite the fact that the developers _REALLY_ don't like RH's 2.96 gcc, it
works fine on my system.  It's the best general video player I've found in
Linux: it's fast and play's all kinds of files other linux viewers can't.
You'll have to compile it, though, no RPMS around.  Don't forget to enable
the GUI, it's pretty slick.

Thanks to vlc, ogle and xine, I now have more DVD players in Linux than in
Windows. LOL!

The Bad:

The Licq gnome plug-in is buggy.  I had problems with garbled text and
general unstability.  The solution was to rpm -e RH's licq, grab the newer
gnome-licq plugin and build my own licq in /usr/local.  Now it works fine.
I suppose I should file a bugreport on this and maybe RH will offer an
updated RPM.

A minor thing:  I forgot how ugly regular X fonts look!  I had to steal the
TT fonts from my Window's font dir ASAP to make web pages readable.  It
would also be nice if RH would actually document how to install TT fonts,
since they are so necessary.  Sure, they mention it in the manual but go on
to say it's a too indepth topic to cover in the manual.  C'mon, it's only a
few commands in the shell!  I had to dig through the HOWTO's so I could
recall the couple of commands you need to get the TT fonts working.

There are a few other things I could gripe about, but nothing really
important.  I'm saving my griping for the next section. :)

The Ugly:

Wow, is the emu10k support really f*cked-up in the 7.2 kernels!  It's
absolutely horrible!  Besides all the popping and cracking, it may have
been responsable for some serious system instability.  Here's the whole

When I first installed RH 7.2 on this system, I experienced total system
lock-ups every few hours.  Very annoying!  I then went through the entire
up2date process.  No help.  Then I installed the new kernel.  Still
locking-up.  At this point, I was about at the end of my rope and ready to
make the Windows partition the default in GRUB when I decided to hit and search for a cure.  After awhile, I discovered a post
describing a problem very similar to mine (same RH 7.2 system).  His
solution:  Turn off Gnome's sound support!  

Yes, Programs/Settings/Multimedia/Sound for Gnome.  I couldn't believe this
was the problem, but I gave it a shot.  That was the last lock-up I had,
and disable Gnome sound a few weeks ago.  Now, I'm not sure if it's the bad
emu10k support or something else, but it definately solved the problem.
The odd thing is that the lockups didn't seem to have anything to do with
sound!  Usually the freeze was when I was moving the mouse around or
typing.  Very weird.

I also use sound plenty with no lockups, I just have to stay away from the
Gnome sounds.  Of course, I get tons of clicks and pops.  Sometimes when I
start Soldier of Fortune or try to play a sound file, I get 100%
distortion.  The weird thing is that XMMS _always_ works.  That's how I
"reset" the sound card, play XMMS and then play SOF or play the sound file,
then they work.  I mean, c'mon, a Soundblaster card isn't exactly a fringe
sound card!  I've never seen such a bad feature regressions in a
non-experimental kernel before, but I guess this is the hallmark of the
entire 2.4.x series: bugs bugs bugs!  Not entirely RH's fought, I just hope
then can fix this problem.  

Overall I'm pleased with my RH 7.2 system.  If the kernel guys ever get on 
the ball and release a stable 2.4.x kernel, I'll be a happy camper.

Spouse, n.:
        Someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you
        wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single.

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