        i have downloaded both the iso images
enigma-i386-disc1.iso and enigma-i386-disc2.iso. now i
want to install redhat 7.2 on a pc using ftp. ftp
server is on another pc. 

i have done the following on the ftp server. 

mount -o loop -t iso9660 enigma-i386-disc1.iso

and i also have the bootnet.img on a floppy.
the installation disk is properly working. and th
einstallation also works but only till half way.

ie. it stops for tetex installation and don't go
forward. i guess that the tetex image is on the other
disc ie  enigma-i386-disc2.iso. 
how do i mount it on the ftp server. i tried
unmounting disc1 but it says 

[root@bhairav /recyclebin]# umount /var/ftp/pub/
umount: /var/ftp/pub: device is busy

since the installation is going on.

kindly help me.

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