On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Alexander Shaw wrote:
> I'm looking to build a mail server onto my gateway machine (with a dial-up
> connection) to fulfil a number of tasks, namely:
> To act as an internal mail server for the network with a number of users and
> different mail addresses
> To send any non internal mail out to the rest of the world
> To receive external mail and foreword to either internal or external
> addresses which are different from the original address the mail was sent
> to.

Mail Transfer Agent (MTA): postfix, sendmail, qmail, .. take your pick. I
like postfix over sendmail.

procmail is what does the actual local delivery (same as below) but the
MTA will accept the mail.

> To retrieve mail for those accounts from external pop3 accounts

Local Delivery Agent (LDA): fetchmail and procmail (but once fetchmail
gets it, it hits your MTA it looks just like somebody sent it directly to
your mail server and will get handled the same way

> To administer small mailing lists, retrieving from a pop3 account and then
> redistributing.

Mailing List Manager (MLM): listar, majordomo, mailman, .. take your pick.

> Any set-up hints would be welcome too :)

RTFM, and check out moongroup.com for lots of mail help (and a mailing
list dedicated to such).


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