On Sun, 2001-12-02 at 16:49, Reuben D Budiardja wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have some questions here:
> Is this true type font for browser only, or can it be used for another 
> program, such as word processor (abiword, kword, staroffice, etc)?
> Does a program needs to have the "ability" to support truetype fonts before 
> it can use them, or will it "just work"?

XFree86 has support for both TrueType and Type 1 fonts so every program
should just work for display.  However, for word processors, you've got
the additional problem of being able to print those fonts.  You'll need
to check each different word processor to see how they handle the print
drivers.  I believe that StarOffice 5.2 had its own printer drivers so
you may be out of luck with it.  If I remember correctly, and hopefully
somebody else will correct me if I'm wrong, SO 6.0 might be better at
handling printer fonts.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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