On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:39:26PM +0000, Jack Byers wrote:
> It did overwrite XF86Config which might not be a prob,
> might work w/o change
>    I havent tested restarting X yet,
>    looking for my corni monitor specs

Good idea. You can re-create this file by running Xconfigurator.

> I am not sure exactly how rpm works with that '--replacefiles'

I'm sorry. I meant to say '--replacepkgs' which will overwrite
the file of a rpm package already installed (ie: it will
give you back the default file for the package).

> My main question re doing rpm upgrade on various pkgs is:
> will it, especially with the  --replacepkgs  :
>   modify many other config files
> that I havent overwritten and dont want modified?

If they are config files and the rpm was built correctly, the
files will be marked as config files and will not be over-written.

You can run `rpm -qpc rpm-you-want-to-install.i386.rpm`
if you want to see the config files provided by a rpm before
installing it.

> for what it is worth here is the list of files and rpm -qf response
> Any comments welcome

If you know you've haven't modified these, you probably
can replace them.

Please not the "probably".

> [root@corni /etc]# rpm -qf aliases
> sendmail-8.9.3-20

This one should have been modified, if only to send root's mail to
a real person mailbox. No idea on this one.

> [root@corni /etc]# rpm -qf aliases.db
> sendmail-8.9.3-20

created with the `newaliases` command after modifying /etc/aliases .

> [root@corni /etc]# rpm -qf apcd.conf
> file apcd.conf is not owned by any package



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