On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, David Kramer wrote:

> -This is NOT for gaming, but I want high-res X with excellent font
> legibility.

I've always heard that Matrox cards are favored by the XFree86 developers.  
They have excellant visual quality, and their drivers almost always have 
the most complete feature set (first drivers to have Xv support, AFAIK)

> -Under $100 ok, under $70 better

You can pick up a 16MB G400 AGP card for under $50.

> -Prolly want 32MB for greater color depth

Greater than 8MB isn't for color depth, it's for feature acceleration.  
Mostly for 3D support / texture maps.

> -DVD support would be super, but not that important.

Yep, Xvideo is the driver extention that video display software uses.  
Works well on Matrox cards.

> -I would like something that is NOT discontinued, but NOT so new as to be
> untested in the field.


> -Must be AGP, but it can be slower AGP.   I just don't have a PCI slot for
> it.

G400 is AGP 4x.

If I had a dollar for every brain that you don't have,
        I'd have one dollar. - Squidward to SpongeBob

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