On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Mike Burger wrote:

> It's not a problem.
> The Xircom NIC is a PCMCIA card.  The initial eth0 initialization can't
> see it, because the PCMCIA drivers haven't yet been loaded.  Once the
> PCMCIA drivers load, they see the NIC, and realize that it is a NIC...at
> which point, they initialize eth0 for you.
> This is the correct and proper behavior for a laptop with a PCMCIA NIC.

You can avoid the "init delayed" message by setting the eth0 interface to
not start at boot time.  When the pcmcia system initializes, it will still
bring up the interface for you.

> On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Art Ross wrote:
> > I have a Dell Inspiron with a Xircom CBE2-100 NIC.  Everthing has worked
> > fine except for one small problem.  When the laptop boots it has trouble
> > bringing up the NIC and delays the systems eth0 initialization.  It
> > still manages to configure the NIC, it just seems that it doesn't happen
> > the first time.  I've reviewed the /proc/interrupts file to find that
> > the IRQ used by the NIC is shared with two other items, usb and i82360.
> > Is this what causes the first failure?  Is there anyway to get the
> > Xircom to use another IRQ?
> >   Best Regards,
> >   Art

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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