** Reply to message from Jasper Jans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 03 Dec 2001 13:46:17 
+0100 (MET)

> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan managed to produce:
> | oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
> |
> | Dec  3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
> | synchronization found
> |
> | so where did I go wrong ?? pls ignore my previous post.... many thanks...
> Can be one of two things:
> 1) You or any of your uplink providers runs a firewall that blocks
>    the traffic
> 2) The timeserver you are using is not letting you sync against it
> Point 2 is easily checked by using a different timeserver.
> Point 1 can be checked by yourself as well when it comes to
> your own firewall (port 123 udp and tcp need to be open).

Ports do not need to be open if you are running a stateful firewall using iptables. 
The request comes from your client box so connection tracking will allow the return 
packets through without opening holes as long as you allow RELATED and ESTABLISHED 
packets through.


Jack Bowling

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