Good points.  It's obviously a case of horses for courses.  For many 
people, Windows is the ideal Desktop OS, that's not to say that Linux can't 
be a better Desktop OS - just not for everyone in every situation.

Linux really excels in the server arena and for quick development of 
unusual/innovative requirements, but there are situations when MS is a 
better choice.


>This is a very good point, Glen.  We need to stay reality-based, and not
>get caught up in the Linux hype, because if we do that, we really can't
>poke fun at M$FT for doing it.
>Face it: For most people, Windows is a better choice than Linux.  And you
>know what?  That's OK.  All efforts that have been made to turn Linux
>into a plug-and-play no-knowledge OS like Windows have failed, because
>that's not what Linux is supposed to be.  Most people need an OS that they
>know will work as shipped, and as long as they don't turn the power off
>without shutting down or install bad programs, it will work pretty
>reliably for a couple of years.
>Linux vendors should not try to replace Windows on the desktop.  That is
>an unwinnable battle.  They should focus on the web/mail/cluster market.
>That's where Linux shines, where the knowledgeable users are, and where
>the money is.
>DDDD   David Kramer                 
>DKK D  Gravity is a harsh mistress!
>DK KD                                                    - The Tick

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