Being somewhat new to Redhat, I wonder if I haven't missed something
when it comes to package management.

Yes, I understand how to use RPM, and generally it works OK. The
tricky part is when you have dependency errors. RPM tells you when you
have dependency errors, but it doesn't resolve them for you. Same with
GnomeRPM - you're told what's missing, but GnomeRPM doesn't go fetch
the missing RPMs for you.

I've used SuSE for awhile, which is also RPM-based. It's YAST
installation program keeps a database of what's installed and resolves
dependencies for you. Debian uses something similar with its apt-get
program. So I'm wondering if there is something in Redhat that does
the same job? The Redhat books that I've looked at all explain RPM
thoroughly, but say nothing about an installation/package manager type
of program. So I'm wondering if such a thing exists? I'm using RH 7.1.

 - Robert Storey

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