On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, [iso-8859-1] Marcel Fréchette wrote:

> - I see several (most) system accounts have no command (shell) assigned in
> /etc/passwd,
>   or have /bin/false.  I have read this means they are not supposed to log
> in.

No, if it has no shell, it will default to /bin/sh. But, yes, if it is
/bin/false or some/nonexistent-shell then it won't let you log in.

>   But then, how are they used?

Programs use the setuid(2) function. For example, a program may start as
root, but quickly change to another user.

Or cron runs the program as the user.

Or su(1) or other tools can run a command as another user.

 su nobody -c 'touch /tmp/nobody-test.$$'
 ls -l /tmp/nobody-test.*

(This is a bad example, because I really believe files shouldn't be owned
by "nobody" -- that defeats the purpose.)

> - Consider the /var/named directory.  On my system it contains 3 files, all
> owned
>   by system account 'named' with permissions rw-r--r-- (644).  If I want to
> edit
>   file named.local, say, I can su root and edit the file from there or from
> root,
>   su named, because then the password is not asked for.  Is there a better
> way?

named (the program) only need to be able to write to certain files and
directories (using the named user). So some of yoru files can be owned by
different users.

A better way? Maybe create another user account like "dns-data" and have
it own the files that don't need to be modified by named.

> - From what you tell me below about the shutdown account, if I assign it the
>   command /sbin/shutdown in /etc/passwd, and then a password, then I could
>   su or login to it from a regular user account to shutdown the machine.

No, /sbin/shutdown needs to be run by root; you would have to change the
UID to zero or make it setuid (not advised) or use some setuid wrapper

>   Is this the general procedure?

I don't think so.

> - How do I go about running a privilege-less program with nobody?

See su(1) example above; you could also use nobody's crontab or xinetd (or
inetd). For example, I use the nobody user to stream audio via inetd.

> - How do you go about assigning resources to system accounts?  I have seen
>   ulimit, but that's a shell built-in.

Maybe with PAM via pam_limits and /etc/security/limits.conf.

> - I tried usermod -U on a system account I don't use (postgres), and the
> second
>   exclamation mark in /etc/shadow/ went away.  But usermod -L did not bring
> it back.

Probably because it thinks it is already locked.

> - I have seen (too) short hints on the net about deleting system accounts
>   that I do not use.  For one of them (can't recall which), there was a
>   side-effect, that is, some cron script had to be edited after the account
>   was removed.

Yes, be sure to double-check cron scripts, etc.

Also, if you delete some user, then maybe it will break some future
software installation or upgrade.

> Since a full install of Red Hat Deluxe 7.1 sets up 30 system accounts,
> assigned to specific UIDs below 100,
> does detailed documentation about them exist, describing the "mission" of
> each account, how it's used, which files/directories it typically owns,

I am guessing no detailed documentation exists. Mayeb some
vendors/distributions have a document or guidelines for their particular

> how to safely delete/recreate it, etc?

Safely delete by carefully searching filesystem and software for the use
by the user. Then use userdel, vipw or other tools. Personally, I wouldn't
worry about it too much.

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